Day 220: Batteries

Hello wild ones! I hope this Sunday has been restful for you.

I just woke up about 15 minutes ago and I don’t feel bad about it at all. Didn’t even make it to my bed until after 10:30 am today, so when I woke up at 4 pm I told myself, “Nah, let’s get a few more hours of sleep,” rolled over and did just that.

The only plans I have for today are to get my house back in order. Seriously slacked off last week, but it shouldn’t take me long to get this place in shape. Already started on the kitchen last night while I was prepping food. Oh man, food prep felt like it took no time at all this time.

While my chicken breasts were baking I roasted some veggies, cut up my fruit, portioned everything out and by the time the rice was ready to be portioned everything else was done. Super easy this week. Though I did break a little sweat. It’s hot as hades here in south Texas right now and standing next to my oven had my glistening as I cut up fruit.

I realized I may be going a bit overboard with the mason jars…the fruit I cut up was portioned out into small mason jars and now I have no mason jars for my yogurt. I considered going out and getting more, which is when I realized I may have a problem. I swear my lunch boxes are going to end up just being filled with mason jars if I continue down this path. On the other hand it means less waste because I’m not using plastic baggies. Maybe I could just put the fruit into the bigger jars and that way I would still have plenty of jars for the yogurt.

M is back in town, so I had french toast with her this morning to catch up on everything we’ve both missed while she was gone. We also got in a good round of discussion about my novel. I had some misgivings that I needed to talk through and she’s currently the only one who has read what I have written thus far and knows where I am trying to get. Which is why for the past few days I’ve been toying with the idea of posting the prologue to the novel that I have been working on here. If I get my gumption up you may very well get to read and leave comments about the first part of my novel.

I also told M that I don’t know what happened/is happening, but I have been so very happy these past few days. Like last night I laughed until it hurt. I smiled all morning while reading my book, bounded out of bed when she agreed to have breakfast, and smiled like an idiot all through breakfast even when I was divulging things that should have had me frowning. No idea what is going on with me…but I will say that I like it. Who wouldn’t prefer to be inexplicably happy rather than depressed?

Gosh,  I have to go and buy batteries. This stupid keyboard is acting up again and since I am planning on getting some writing done tonight I’m going to switch out the batteries and hope that is what the problem was.

But first I am going to finish my water and then eat some breakfast. BYE!

Until tomorrow, stay wonderfully wild!
