Making a Plan

Hello wild ones! So I spent some time last night thinking about how I wanted my year to go down as far as the blog goes and I gotta tell you the absolute truth, I’m still not 100% ready to give you an actual schedule or any kind of expectations – apart from that you’ll still hear from me still every day and that I’m not going to punk out and give you shitty posts. That being said, I do have a couple of plans.

Firstly, every Monday I’m going to make a set of goals I want to reach by the end of the week. I’ll post those goals and then of course give you a break down of why I set them and what I’m hoping to achieve by accomplishing them. That particular blog post will also include a brief summary of the previous week’s goals and whether or not I completed them.

Secondly, I would live very much to do one book review a week. The review will probably be our Friday post, that way I’ve got plenty of time to read the book I’ve chosen (or has been chosen for me, I’ll totally take suggestions/requests) and let me thoughts settle before serving them up to you.

That’s about all I’ve got thus far. I’m throwing around the idea of just choosing a random topic to write about on Wednesdays, but that is still kind of up in the air at this point. If you’ve got any ideas or things you’d like to see in this coming year don’t be shy. I need all the help you’re willing to provide.

Alright, let’s get to this weeks goals!

  1. Make a schedule/plan for the blog for this year.
  2. Get my damn house in order. While my house is not exactly a wreck at this point, I can’t even honestly remember the last time I gave the whole place a very throughout cleaning. My mom has cleaned up every time she has been down, but I’ve been slacking in the house keeping department and that needs to stop.
  3. Clean out my garage. Ugh, this one I am so not looking forward to, but it seriously needs to be done. It’s a freaking disaster out there and I’m sick and tired of being surrounded by the mess.
  4. Go for a one hour walk at least twice.
  5. Work on my sleep schedule. I already mentioned that I’m spending too much time laid up in my bed. This week I want to decide on either waking up at least a couple of hours before I have to go to work every day or staying awake longer in the morning after I get off. It’s probably going to come down to just staying awake longer in the morning, which I am totally fine with, but I’d rather have an actual sleep schedule that I can stick to.
  6. Write at least one full page in Texas Royalty.
  7. Set up my planner for this year.


I think that is a good start. So, I’ve got 7 clear cut goals I must achieve by next Monday. Of course, I’ll be keeping you updated throughout the week as to my progress and we’ll go back over these goals next Monday before I set up new ones.

I hope this new year is treating you well! I’ve got to get my butt in gear, the grocery store is calling my name. Night!

Until tomorrow, stay wonderfully wild!


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