Day 151: Countdown

Hello wild ones!! I’ve got some good news! I don’t have to work Wednesday!  I’ve been dancing since my coworker agreed to cover for me.

It’s not like I’m going to get to spend the day eatin bonbons, but I’m excited nonetheless. There’s still so much to do!

I managed to get an invoice made today, not that was exactly on my to do list, but I’ve been toying with the idea for days and just decided to jump off the cliff.


This is what I came up with. I saved about 10 different versions because at first I left off our catch phrase, how could I have been so silly?


This is what we had at first, so when I remembered that I had to have my catch phrase the entire thing had to be shifted around to accommodate. Honestly I’m still not 100% satisfied with my logo’s placement, but for now it’s going to have to work because I’ve neither the time or inclination to spend more time on a dang invoice I’ll probably end up forgetting.

All of my price tags were made, cut down, punched, and filed away in my hand dandy planner. That project also took me a little longer than I’d like to admit. I’m so freaking finniky. I couldn’t decide if I wanted tags with my logo on the back, if my furniture should have large tags, or if everything should have the same tags. In the end I discarded the idea of having my logo on the back, it was just too difficult to work out and went with simple and cute.

I also reconfigured my planner. I mentioned that I was pissy because I couldn’t get the entire year to fit and upon trying to use my planner I realized the mistake I had made. I printed all of weekly views with notes on the back instead of doing weekly views front and back. This caused me to have twice as many pages as necessary, so yesterday I reprinted the necessary pages and today I reassembled with the new pages. Made a huge difference. I had plenty of room to finish out the year and use paper sleeves to hold my price tags for the show. I still cannot imagine trying to cram an entire year into that little binder, but I’ve got 6 months in and that’s good enough for me.

I still have not received my tax permit, so tomorrow I have phones calls to make. First I have to call the comptrollers office to see why I haven’t gotten it in the mail yet and then I have to call the venue and find out how strict they are going to be about having a hard copy of the permit. I should have done this last week, but I was hoping it would come over the weekend. Cross your fingers that the venue will accept the number in place of a physical copy because if not I’m going to be terribly pissed. I’ll have no one to blame, but myself and I may very well slip into another bout of selfloathing and decide not to celebrate my birthday.

Speaking of birthday, only 5 more days!!! I can’t believe it’s already here!! Of course since we’re at the halfway mark of our year together I’ll be reassessing my goals and I’m sure we’ll have to have a long talk about the lack of progress on all fronts, but not today! Today I’m just going to look forward to having a day that’s all about me.

I went out to eat every fucking day last week, literally every-damn-day. This week the only day I’m eating out will be Friday night and Saturday, but maybe if I’m feeling up to it I’ll prep a lunch for myself for Saturday that I can take with me, otherwise I’ll be relying on the kindness of my family and fast food.

We’re going to have a long night tomorrow. I still have to distress the desk and night stand that are in the garage, wax both pieces and that has to be done tomorrow because Wednesday I want to work on the signs, so that maybe Thursday I can afford to spend the entire day cleaning my house. Company is coming and the state my house is currently in just will not do.

Okay, I’ve got to rinse my face and get to bed. Night kids!

Caloric intake: 1,146
Calories burned: zippo

Until tomorrow, stay wonderfully wild!

Day 150: Milestone

Hello wild ones! Sunday funday is almost at an end, I hope you made the most of your day, unlike me.

I watched movies at work while contemplating my price tags. Such a silly little thing to obsess over, but I want cute price tags and I’m silly so of course all day I argued with myself about which price tags would look the best. A decision has yet to be reached, so it seems this argument will continue through tomorrow and hopefully no further.

My day was rather uneventful. I worked watched a couple of movies and that was it; we weren’t busy, but we weren’t slow it was one of those good days where we have a happy medium. Fingers crossed tomorrow is the same.

Ahhh, I just realized I said my day was uneventful, because I forgot the thing that happened first thing this morning. I awoke to a notification from WordPress informing me that I had received my 100th like! Wow!! 100 times people took a second to let me know they enjoyed what I had to say. I could not be more grateful. Thank you to anyone and everyone who has taken the time to read the nonsense I post everyday and then given me a little stamp of approval. I really do appreciate it and if I could I would send you all a cookie as thanks.

I don’t want to further dampen the excitement I feel about my 100 likes by expanding on my day, so for now I’m going to day goodnight and tomorrow I’ll tell you all about a little movie I watched today that kind of threw me for a loop.

Night lovlies!

Caloric intake: 1,478
Calories burned: 1,207

Until tomorrow, stay wonderfully wild!

Day 149: Same Old Same Old

Hello wild ones! I hope you are enjoying your weekend, mine has come to an end. Tomorrow I go back to work.

Today was the same as yesterday, I didn’t get much of anything done. I started painting the roll top desk, which gave me a headache (I’ll explain in a moment), painted a side table that matches the 2 dressers, did laundry, loaded my car for drop off at the storage building, got in a solid hour at the gym, prepped lunch for 3 days and watched more old movies. We’re getting down to the wire now, so the next 4 days are going to be very busy.

Let’s talk about the roll top desk. I fell in love with it at the barn, but today in the full light of day I realized I made a mistake. The other roll top desk I redid was solid wood, I thought this one was too, boy oh boy was I wrong. It’s pressed wood, the whole fucking thing. I spent about 5 minutes berating myself for falling in love with the stupid drawers and not double checking that it was made of actual wood. Then another 5 minutes deciding whether or not I wanted to flip the desk. On the one hand I spent 100 dollars on the darn thing, so if I don’t sell it I’ll be wasting money. On the other hand I’m not sure I want to put this pressed wood nightmare out in the world with my name on it.

I started painting it and I figured if it comes out really nice maybe I’ll decide to take it. I applied 3 generous coats of gray chalk paint and it made me hate it even more. From a few feet away it looks wonderful, but then when you step in close you start to notice all the rough patches that I can’t fix and make it painfully obvious it’s not real wood. Now I’m trying to hide those flaws to see if I can redeem it enough to at least take it with me to show. I know it’s going to look pretty, it’s already starting too, I’m just not sure if it’s going to be enough to quite my doubt.

The only other things we have left to do for the market are my reclaimed wood signs. I’ll begin working on those Monday after work. I should be able to knock them all out in one evening. After that it’s just little things like making sure everything is packed, getting my price tags ready, making thank you cards or receipts.

Despite desk being a let down I’m still feeling really good about next week. I know I told you yesterday that you’d get to see the finished duckling box, but alas I did not get it painted today. Maybe I’ll take him with me to work, I’m going to have the office all to myself for 2 days so I will have plenty of time to get things done if needed.

I’m beat. This has been a very tiring set of days off. Tomorrow after work I’ll be stopping at the gym and then hitting the grocery store…yea maybe I won’t be able to get the desk finished tomorrow, shit. I’ll just be quick with my errands, if I manage to make it home before it gets dark then I’ll do what needs to be done otherwise it will have to be done Monday evening.

Enjoy your weekend! Have extra fun for me.

Caloric intake: 1,993
Calories burned: 1,207

Until tomorrow, stay wonderfully wild!

Day 148: Duckling

Hello wild ones! You made it through the week and the weekend is here again.

I was not as productive as I would have liked today, but I’m still doing great. The list of things I did get done is rather short. I finished the small dresser, put together the metal side table, and picked up the desk. That’s about all I can say about that.

I guess I decided I need half the day off. I think I deserved it, so I watched old movies on my couch with the dogs while waiting for spray paint to dry.

What was I spray painting you might ask?


These adorable piggy bookends I found at The Barn. I thought I needed a few more little decor items to spruce up my booth for Saturday so I grabbed these two cuties as well as a glass cactus and this little jewelry box.


I love this thing. It’s super cute and just the right amount of strange. He also got a couple of coats of spray paint, but I’ll show you that tomorrow.

Tomorrow is my last day off of this hitch, so I need to squeeze every moment out of the day possible. First and foremost the desk has to get painted. Even if I don’t get to start distressing it the entire thing needs to be done with paint before I go to the gym tomorrow evening. The duckling jewelry box has to be finished and I’ve got to drop the side table and small dresser off in storage. I also need to prep my lunches because that is a habit I should not have broken to begin with.

I have a gym date with my sister at 5:30 pm and then I’ll spend the rest of my evening chilling and going over the list of things I still need to get done before Saturday.

Lois has drenched my pillow in her saliva. I don’t know if the coconut oil from my hair somehow caught her nose, but she spent about 5 minutes just licking the thing. Good thing I’ve got extra saliva free pillows.

Next week there will be not eating out until Friday nights dinner. I’ve eaten out at least one meal everyday this week and that’s just the most absurd thing. Ever since I stopped meal prepping I’ve gotten rather lazy about my nutrition and that’s got to stop.

Goodness I’m tired. Like weary to the bone tired. I think I’m going to shut my eyes now and hope that 7 am comes slowly. Night kids.

Caloric intake:
Calories burned:

Until tomorrow, stay wonderfully wild!

Day 147: Excitement

Hello wild ones! It’s nearly Friday! Today I am going to make up for the ridiculously short post from yesterday.

First things first I am so very excited because I have more than one piece ready for next Saturday! As of right now I have my dresser done, the mirrored coffee table, my trunk tabke, and the sofa table. Last time we had a craft show I was still sitting on my hands thinking that I had plenty of time and then when the day rolled around I had pulled all of my hair out.

Tomorrow I’ll be finishing up the smaller dresser that matches the large one and starting on the roll top desk. In the morning I’ll run out to Floresville to pick up the desk, but I promise that the damn thing will be done before I go back to work Sunday. Once all that is wrapped up I just have to paint my signs, finish the jewelry box, and get the lamps ready to go. Feeling good people.

I am going to really enjoy my birthday week knowing that at least this time around I won’t be up the night before my market trying in vain to finish something. Horray for progress!

Today I did a little experimenting with our food. I’ve seen several different recipes for buffalo cauliflower. Being a fan of cauliflower I have been biding my time and looking for the right recipe for me and I found one, or so I had thought.


This is the one I decided to follow more or less. I made a few tweaks, I didn’t have milk…so I improvised. To start I took my lovely cauliflower and cut away everything I didn’t need.


I broke it up into bite sized chunks and tossed them in a seasoning mixture of garlic salt, onion powder, pepper, and chili pepper. After I laid them all out on a greased cookie sheet.


This was after I had baked them for 20 minutes. After baking them I beat together 3 eggs and about half a cup of red’s hot sauce and tossed the cauliflower in the eggs and then coated them in bread crumbs. They went back in the oven for about 10 minutes. Once they were golden brown in color they went into a bag with more hot sauce and then back into the oven.


This was the finished product. Eh, I think maybe I should have followed one of the recipes that called for frying the cauliflower after breading. It was good, but not as great as the hype lead me to believe.

We had a zumbathon again today to support the efforts against child poverty. I wore a red nose and sweated my literal ass off. I swear I’ve been sweating more lately. Before zumba I was already dripping while working in the garage. Seriously, the sweat was falling off of me in fat droplets. My shirt was a good 6 shades darker after zumba due to the sweat coming off of me in buckets.

Of course after sweating until I was sopping wet we went and had pizza. All that grease, oh man it was just the best thing ever. I’ve been a bad girl this week, but I just don’t give a fuck.

Right now I’m sitting on my couch with a face mask and watching the original bad bitch of the south Scarlett O’Hara. I’m a sucker for the classics and this is one of the greats. Rhett Butler makes me swoon. They just don’t make them like him anymore. It also makes me wish I had a catch phrase. Fiddly dee.

I’m running short of time here, so I need to wrap it up. Night kids!

Caloric intake: 1,536
Calories burned: 2,077

Until tomorrow, stay wonderfully wild!

Day 146: Short

Hello wild ones!  Unfortunately our hump day post is going to be super short. I’m so freaking tired it’s ridiculous and my phone is close to dying.

For reasons unbeknownst to me my phone is taking FOREVER to charge. It was plugged in all night as per usual and this morning only had 60% battery. What the hell? I’ve had to keep it plugged in all day just to keep it from dying. Maybe I need a new plug, the one I currently have has been chewed upon, so perhaps that’s the problem. Really hoping it’s not something serious because I cannot afford to get a new phone.

Made some major progress in the garage and I think I sweated off like 100 pounds. I swear it was dripping off of me and that was before zumba. I’ll let you see what we’ve got done tomorrow, for now I’m going to curl up with the dogs and sleep. Night!

Caloric intake: 1,504
Calories burned: 1,755

Unit tomorrow, stay wonderfully wild!

Day 144: Frustrations

Hello wild ones! You survived another Monday, good for you. I made it through today mostly unscathed.

I’ve mentioned, probably way too many times, that I kind of hate my job, well this afternoon I was reminded why. I received a phone call from my supervisor at 7 pm, that’s roughly 2 hours after my shift ended. He thought it was important to let me know that a truck that was scheduled to be on location at 5:30 pm still had not made it…my initial reaction was to say, “and that’s my problem why?” But I get told often that my attitude when shit goes wrong leaves a little something to be desired, so I held my tounge. He is the reason I hate my job. I wish someone could explain to me how it could be my fault that a night truck driver was not lined up to be on location for the night shift? Night shift doesn’t get in trouble if my trucks are late in the morning, so why should I get in trouble for their trucks being late?

I don’t understand. It is beyond frustrating to be blamed for others short comings,  even more so when the reason I’m being blamed is because he’s afraid to tell the night shift that they’re doing something wrong. He’s afraid of the woman who works nights, she is

terrifying, but she’s also the biggest fucking pussy on the planet. Bah.

Do you get blamed at work for things out of your control? It is the single most frustrating thing about my job.

Okay, enough work loathing talk, I’ve only got one day left in hell and it better go quickly. I remade my to do list for this week and it’s full, we have to go balls to the walls crazy attacking projects this week and since we’re going to go extra hard I need to get to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a long day and night.

Caloric intake: 1,469
Calories burned: 0

Until tomorow,stay wonderfully wild!

Day 143: Working Hard or Hardly Working

Hello wild ones! Hahah, your weekend  is over and now you have to rejoin the workforce. Sorry, I’ve been working all weekend, so I can’t feel bad for you.

Today went by a little faster, but still not fast enough. I want to blink and the day be over tomorrow.

Wasn’t the best of girls today, the bacon cheeseburger I had for lunch was fantastic, but I should have resisted. Eh, oh well. Because I ate that yummy burger I made sure to go a little ham on the bike today. 25 on the medium level and 10 minutes fighting the shake in my thighs as I powered through the highest setting. After the cardio that nearly killed me we moved to weights. Still not sure if my thighs are just seriously powerful or I’m doing them wrong, but leg presses have zero affect on me. We threw in some leg curls as well, those I felt and then moved to the weight bench. My arms, shoulders, and upper back were on fire. I should feel the burn tomorow.

Tomorrow after zumba I have to push to finish the desk and dresser. I don’t want to have either still in the garage when I go pick up the roll top desk Wednesday.

I’m stinky. I keep forgetting to put deodorant on in the morning, it’s kind of gross but true. I bought new deodorant last week and for some reason have still not brought it to my room, so I keep skipping that step. I’ll go get it right now.

It’s bed time here. We’ve still got 2 days at work before we got back on days off, so I need all the sleep I can get. Night!

Caloric intake: 2,031
Calories burned: 1,154

Until tomorrow, stay wonderfully wild!

Day 142: Massage

Hello wild ones! This day for me has not gone fast enough, but I’m sure in your eyes it whooshed by.

I was mildly productive considering I was at work. The flier for the Maker’s Market is complete.


Whoop! I’m super happy with how adorable it came out. I wish I had saved a copy of it on just a white background so it wouldn’t be a pain to print, but it’s whatever. I’m going to get them printed at Walmart and then post them at work, my gym, Finder’s Keeper’s, and hand them out to my zumba pals. I’ve already plastered it all over Facebook.

The crosses for my blessed signs have been painted and are ready for assembly and I started working on these cute bookends I was given. Wasn’t exactly sure what I wanted to do with them, so I just gave them a light coat of off white paint and in the morning I’ll decide what other color to add.

There’s a little wooden jewelry box I bought from goodwill a few months back that needs lovin’. I took it with me today, but realized I needed to have my small screwdriver, painter’s tape, and the right paint before starting the darn thing. Still not 100% sure how I’m going to paint it, but I’ll figure it out tomorrow.

After work I hit the gym and not to sound like one of those brainwashed gym fanatics, but I feel so much better. Literally could not keep my eyes open on my way to the gym, I felt so drained I nearly just drove past, but I already used my skip days, so I stopped.


40 minutes later I walked out feeling like a new woman, a very sweaty new woman. I was feeling so good I almost started lifting weights on my own, but there was a group of lug heads congregating around the weight bench I use, so I just skipped out of there.

Now I’m home, my sweaty clothes have been discarded and even though I’m not sleepy like I was after work, I’ve tucked myself into bed soaked in coconut oil. There’s some damage in my hairs near future, so I’m trying to pamper my locks. Even gave myself a scalp massage.

I’m planning on waking up early and taking a very long shower, but for now I’m going to search YouTube for hair and make up tutorials for my birthday weekend. I’m thinking about doing a beehive or mod do for the show and of course whatever hair style I decide with have to last into the night. If I do a beehive I’m not sure I’ll want to wear my hair in that style to a bar and once all that teasing is done it takes some work to get it all out…girl problems.


Caloric intake: 2,244
Calories burned: 939

Until tomorrow, stay wonderfully wild!

Day 141: Sassy

Hello wild ones! The weekend is here again and while you may be getting ready to celebrate with a cold one, I’ve been getting ready to go back to work.

I made an executive decision to skip the gym today.  I’ll go tomorrow after work, but I just have too much stuff to try and get get wrapped up before my bedtime. Speaking of which, is it bedtime yet?

It’s 3:45 pm here and I’ve put one layer of wax on the dresser, distressed half of the drawers, picked up the crosses I need, paid for my roll top desk, did a little shopping, had a delicious Thai lunch, went grocery shopping, and did some touch ups on the desk. Jeeze, I’m seriously tired. I slept like crap because Lois Lane decided to be a brat and I forgot to turn my stupid alarms off last night.

Before the day is over I still have to prep my lunches and snacks, put the house in some semblance of order, wash my bedding, seal the desk with poly, finish painting the desk drawers, distress the dresser drawers, wax the dresser and drawers, and shower because my hair is gross. I’ll give you an end of the day update before bed.

For now, let’s talk about the cool stuff I got to do today.


This was my very yummy lunch. You can thank “V” for remniding me to take photos for the blog, I’m always forgetting. We had Thai crab ragoons and dumplings for a starter. I love the dumplings. They are just crunchy pockets of delicious goodness. Ugh, I wish I had more. I strayed away from my normal order and took a walk on the wild side, I ordered chicken fried rice, good grief am I am so glad I did. It was so freaking good.

After lunch we went to The Barn to pay for the roll top desk and check out their dusty treasures.


This is the inside of the barn, don’t let the Jesus disuad you, this place is full of cool stuff. Today I kept a firm hold on my wallet. I knew we still had to go to Finder’s Keeper’s and I always find really cool stuff there.


Here’s our roll top desk! Isn’t it adorable? I’m thinking we are going to paint the desk a light grey with white accents and very light handed distressing. I was unable to bring the desk home due to the fact that we had a passenger in my backseat, so I will go back on Wednesday to get the desk and start working.

I did not take any photos at Finder’s Keeper’s you can stone me later. I will show you something I found that I just had to have.


I’m always looking for cute magnets because I seiously have none and today I hit the lottery. This set was 4 bucks!! Oh that momma pig is just the epitome of sassy.

Alright 8 pm update! The desk has gotten one coat of poly, the drawers are finished and drying, and I just ate leftovers for my dinner. The house is still an absolute wreck, but it’s just going to have to stay that way until forever. My snacks have been prepped and are ready in the fridge, I decided to prep my 3 lunches tomorrow after work and the gym. For tonight I’m done working. I’m going to sit on my couch for about 30 minutes and then I’m going to go crash. The shower will just have to wait until morning.

My check list did not get completely checked off, but hey I got a ton done and I’m happy with that. Maybe if I hadn’t had to stay away from home for half of today and half of Tuesday everything would be done, but oh well.

When I get home tomorrow I’ll poly the drawer fronts and start painting the insides of each one. I’ll also finish the dresser and it will be ready to be dropped off in the storage building Sunday after work.

I’m going to watch some Big Bang Theory and enjoy the last few moments of my freedom.

Caloric intake: 2,050
Calories burned: eh, none

Until tomorrow, stay wonderfully wild!