Day 201: Yummy Goodness

Hello wild ones! I got some really cool news as I walked into work today. I’m going to Vegas in December! Viva Las Vegas!

Further proof that when I complain about my job I am just being a whiny bitch. My boss is offering everyone in the office a trip to Vegas this winter. He seriously is an amazing man and I am so excited!!!

I’ve never been all that interested in going to Vegas, but you can bet your ass I am not dumb enough to say no to free plane tickets.

Last night I was cooking up some yummy goodies for meal prep this week and as promised I am going to share them with you.

Our first dish is One Sheet Pan Rosemary Chicken found here.

Really simple, fast, and oh man did it make my house smell so good.

To start I laid out my chicken breast on the baking sheet and brushed the garlic, butter, rosemary, and lemon zest mixture on one side.


On the other side of the pan are my red potatoes that have been tossed in olive oil, rosemary, garlic, sea salt, and cracked pepper. This went into the oven for 20 minutes at 450 degrees.




While waiting for that to cook I took out my green beans and tossed them in the same mixture as the potatoes, I think the recipe I was following called for just tossing the green beans with the already cooking potatoes, but I like my greens galricky, so I tweaked it just a tad.

Laid the green beans in the middle of my chicken and potatoes, flipped the chicken over and brushed the other side with the remaining sauce and threw it back in the oven for another 10 minutes.

This was our end result. I probably should have taken my chicken out a little early, because the piece I ate was just a bit crispy on the outer edges, but still sooooo good. I’ve never been a big fan of red potatoes, but these were amazing. Wyatt approved as well.

I give this recipe a 10 out of 10, will make and eat again and again and again. If you decide to make this dish, use freaking foil paper like the other post suggests. It took my forever to clean my stupid sheet pan last night.

Our second dish is an Asian Jalapeno Chicken dish from here.

Again, super simple, quick, and oh so dreamy. This dish combines my favorite things heat and sweet. So good.



For this dish we had to cut up our chicken breast and cook them up in a frying pan. Easy enough.





While that was cooking I mixed together the sauce, now I strayed from the recipe just a bit, I added about half more of everything than she called for and I skipped the cornstarch.

I knew I was going to add in veggies to my stir fry and wanted to make sure there was enough sauce. There was plenty…still too much. And a tip from me to you, don’t skip the cornstarch. This is a very running sauce that does not really cook down the way a girl would hope.





After my chicken was browned I transferred it to a bowl to wait while my veggies cooked a bit. For this dish I used broccoli, carrots, and cabbage (I threw the cabbage in at the very end so it was still a little crunchy.

The only thing left to do was throw everything back into the frying pan and let the sauce cook down as much as it was going to, which was not much at all.

I used the leftover liquid in my brown rice, there was about 1/4 of a cup left over and it went into the rice smoothly. I still haven’t tasted the rice, but again it smelt amazing.



Here is the end product. Not a great picture I know, but then none of my pictures are the greatest so what were you expecting.

This dish also gets a 10 out of 10, will make and devour again.

Our last dish is Overnight Cake Batter Oats found here.

I am actually eating these now and I am going to be totally honest, they don’t taste like cake batter. The smell like cake batter, but all I can taste is the almond extract. Almonds have always made my tongue and mouth feel a little strange and I should have known almond extract would do the same, but life is a learning process. Today I learned.

I followed this recipe to the T.



To start I mixed my dry ingredients in a mason jar, that was before I realized that her recipe was for 2 servings. Whoops. Again, learning.

This was actually only half of the recipe, once I realized that all my dry ingredients barely fit in the jar I mixed everything in the bowl and transferred it into the jar. I just thought this looked cool because you can see the layers.







Here are our wet ingredients having a party in a bowl. Yay, party time.

Once they were all mixed up I very carefully poured them over the wet ingredients. Not carefully enough though…





And then we got this cool shot of the wet ingredients seeping into out oats…or at least I thought it was kind of groovy.




I promise those shots were at least better than the ones of all the stuff just chilling out in a bowl together.

Okay, so that went into the fridge while I slept and came to work with me today.

I don’t think I am a fan of these. I just tried the warm and the almond is even stronger and they get this disgusting texture that I cannot live with.

These oats get a 5 out of 10, maybe I will try it again without the almond. I think that is all that is throwing me off of these I was able to eat them at least, which is more than I can say for the other 2 that I tried prior.

If you have any suggestions please let me know.

Other news, I nearly forgot to tell you that I have an Instagram now. If you’re interested in checking that out you can find me right here!

Still debating about starting a twitter…

Until tomorrow, stay wonderfully wild!


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