Worry Wart

Hello wild ones! I hope your week went well. My work week is just about over, but I still have a ton of work to do at home.

Bleh, I would love to tell you that I managed to get my house cleaned on my last set of days off, but I would be lying. I got some of it clean, my bedroom and bathroom for example. The rest of the house however is kind of a mess, but that’s because I was trying to sort out the garage at the same time and that created more mess inside the house while I try to find new homes for the crap I’ve got stored away in the garage. I know I will get everything done on this set of days off though, there is no other choice!!! I need my house to back in order.

I’m at work tonight and I was reading until I looked up at the clock and realized that it was nearly 11 pm and I had not written a blog to post today. Whoops. After I’m done here I plan on finishing the book I’m reading and then I’m gonna paint my nails. I know…work must be so hard for me…I’m just sort of lucky that tonight all of my drivers are stuck out on locations, so I don’t actually have to dispatch anyone.

Yesterday evening I was a ball of stress guys. A living, quivering, ball of stress. So, I don’t think I’ve mentioned yet that instead of having to move out of my current residence, I rent a 2 bedroom duplex, my mom is going to move into my brother’s room and start paying half the bills. That alone should make me ecstatic, I won’t be paying all the bills myself any more, but I started worrying last night while I was totaling up my bills for this month. Now, I make a pretty decent chunk of change where I work and my mom makes a bit more than I do, but she has way more going out than I do. So I’m starting to worry about whether or not this whole moving in together is actually a good idea. I’m worried about her finances, just as much, if not more so than my own. That’s not what I wanted. I don’t want more worry. I want less. I wanna just worry about myself and my dog for once in my damn life, but I can’t make myself pretend that her expenses and finances don’t kind of affect my own.

I’ve got goals. I wanna start saving more money. I want to pay off my debts and make my credit better. And my mom is worried about having cable…I don’t even watch freaking TV! She hasn’t even moved in yet and I am worried. Ugh, is this what it’s like to live with roommates?

Okay, well I think that’s about it for now…no big plans for the weekend except getting my house back in order. Follow me on Instagram to see my progress and don’t forget to drop into Goodreads to see what I’m reading.

Night kids!

Until later, stay wonderfully wild!


Made it!

Hello wild ones! Whew, I fell asleep ealier and just jerked awake because I hadn’t posted Mt blog yet. Did not want another repeat of last week.  
Alright, so not a ton going on this week. I’m still trying to get my house in order…

I didn’t realize how dirty my room was until I started cleaning it…this little cleaning stint began in my closet, which honestly isn’t that bad. 

Here’s the left side…

the right side…

And the view full on. I’m sure there’s women out there, men too, who would kill me for having all this space and only need like 40% of it for my clothes, my own family members included. I just don’t have that many clothes, so the majority of my closet becomes storage for stuff that I can’t just have laying around in my room. 

I’m purging and reorganizing my entire room/bathroom. This deal cleaning thing occurred because I really want to get the garage sorted, but some of the stuff out there is going to need a new home and I’ve got lots of underutilized space throughout the house. So now I’m going through my room, my bathroom, the hall closet, living room, and kitchen to get rid of the crap I don’t need. 

This will help in the long run if I do end up having to move at the end of this month, less clutter means less to pack away. I’m nearly done with my room as of right now, I just gotta go through my dresser and then I can move on the the hall closet, which should take no time at all, and then I can start pulling boxes in from the living room and going through them. I’ll post pictures after I’m done in my room hopefully tomorrow on Instagram. 

Okay, so obviously this week’s goal is just to get the house in better shape. I bought some supplies today that should help me get that accomplished. Dear sweet jesus, mommy bloggers on YouTube have some great ideas. I’ve spent the time in between cleaning boughts, you know when I need a breather and I’m too sweaty to continue, watching these women clean their homes, cars, and other crap. If you’re looking for inspiration or ideas, go search YouTube,  or maybe don’t. It might send you on a cleaning craze…

This week’s book is going to be the second in the series I featured last week. 

Sorry, I’m posting from my phone and the damn thing wouldn’t let me just copy and paste the blurb…

Come back Wednesday to see what I though and to find out what I’ll be reading next. 

Also, go follow me on Instagram so you can see the mess that my life was and how I got it sorted, you can find me there as @chroniclesofacrazydame. And don’t do get to check out my Goodreads profile for any other reviews and to see what else I’m reading. 

Night kids!

Until later, stay wonderfully wild!

Hodge Podge

Hello wild ones! Woah, this week kind flew by. Tonight is my last night at work, so I am ready to blow out of this place and enjoy my days off.

Not a ton going on this weekend. I need to get my garage cleaned, deep clean the house, try not to spend all my damn time reading, and come up with a way to create a goal section in my planner.

I went to Wal-Mart before work today. I only went in to grab something for lunch and ended up taking a detour down the stationary aisle…big mistake. They had some new file folders that I fell in love with, so tonight while work is trudging on I’m making stuff for my planner once again.

Feel kind silly for remaking all this stuff I literally just finished a few weeks ago, but maybe this is one way to keep me actually using the planner.

Here are the really cute file folders that I just could not pass up. They came in a pack of 6, for like $1.50, so I guess I told myself that was a bargain and grabbed 1 pack of each.


Following some tutorials I found on YouTube forever ago I turned those pretty little folders into a new front & back cover, as well as a dashboard (for my sticky notes), a double sided folder, and an envelope to store important size guide lines for this planner.


If you’re looking for cool, affordable ideas to take your planner game up a notch go check out Coupons to provide, she’s amazing. I’ve been watching her planner videos and creating my own playlist for the things I want to try.

Okay, enough about the boring planner stuff. I just realized that I still haven’t really told you about my elephant adventure, which is strange because I’ve been gushing about it to any idiot who would listen since I got home.

I learned so freaking much and I’m one of those people who likes to spread the knowledge, so I’ve been spouting every single elephant fact they gave. Seriously, my family probably wants to punch me in the face.

We left Dallas before the sun rose and drove 2.5 hours further across Texas to get to Hugo, Ok and the Endangered Ark Foundation. Nearly hit a deer and totaled my new car, not even exaggerating, scared the crap out of me. Met a baby elephant, look how cute she is!!!


Got up close and personal with 2 other beautiful ladies, who were only interested in me because I had a banana in my hand and got soaking wet. In the middle of our introduction to the elephant spa it started spitting rain, that light spit turned into a full on downpour while they tried to shuffle us back to the feeding zone.

Before the tour started…while we were still dry. 

Even though we got really wet and a little cold it was an amazing experience. And the people who run the tours felt so bad about ours getting cut short due to the bad weather that they offered us a rain check, so I get to go back for FREE! Which I am beyond excited about. We’ve got tentative plans to return in October and I think I’m going to try and convince LB to take us to the wildlife rescue she visited last year. The bitch got to hold a fucking bear cub! Hello!! Sign me up for that shit.

Right, well I think that’s about all I’ve got for today. I’ll be posting pictures of the mess that is my garage this weekend on Instagram, so make sure you’re following me there. Check me out on Goodreads to see what I’m reading and have a great weekend!!

Night kids!

Until next time, stay wonderfully wild!


Day 86: Small Miracles

Today went by so quickly and you know I’m always thankful for a quick work day.

Exciting news! Word Press just informed me that I have a follower! Thank you so much! Go team Crazy Dame, we’re now a family of 6 rather than just me and my 4 imaginary friends.

Other good news, I did some writing today. I was spurred on by the though that if the awful book I read this week can get published there is no reason for me to think that something I have written isn’t at least worth submitting for consideration. I read through one piece I started working on last year, did some editing, and then the characters started talking to me again. I was able to get out an entire chapter in between phone calls and other work nonsense.

After lunch I worked on another piece that was started even earlier than the other, it’s more complex, so I have to really concentrate to get Annabelle (the heroine) to tell me where she wanted to go. I didn’t get a ton of work done on that one, but now that it’s fresh in my mind the car ride home was full of ideas that I know are going to make it super easy to sink back into it tomorrow and get some real work done.

As you know if you’ve made it this far with my on the blogging journey is that one of my goals was to have one of my novels finished by the end of the year and today was the first day this year that I’ve made any real progress toward that goal.

Thank the creative gods for blessing me today and to the muses for touching me while I was at work. I’m so excited about today’s progress that I almost can’t wait to get back to work tomorrow (dear god, am I running a fever) so I can continue where I left off. Just for clarification, I’m not excited to go to work, I’m excited because I’ll have access to a computer and have it all to myself for 12 hours. I really need to get a laptop, which is why I just took mine to my brother to see if he could figure out what the malfunction is, but of course one of the dogs destroyed the cord without my knowledge. Now I’ve got to take it to work with me tomorrow because we have the same brand of laptop, charge the dang thing, and then bring it home to see if Bub can indeed fix the problem. If not, I really need to start looking into getting a new one. Bleh.

Really hate spending money, but it would be much more beneficial to my writing if I had a way to write from home other than my phone. Not to mention the fact that the options for editing my blog are much more extensive from a computer. I guess I could always tell my family that what I want for my birthday, nope I’m not even going to finish that thought. I could never ask for something so pricey for a gift. Stuff like that makes me uncomfortable. Besides, I’ve already hinted at some concert tickets that I want, I’m seriously hoping someone gets them for me.

There was a full banana in my smoothie this morning and I didn’t vomit!!! Hooray for Chels! May not seem like a big deal, but bananas and I do not have a great history. The texture of them has always made me gag to the point that even when I tried them frozen just the taste brought back memories of the horrid texture and I started to gag. Yucky. But 2 days ago I added a half of a banana into my smoothie and didn’t die, so today I worked up the courage to just add in the entire thing. Small steps.

I’ve also discovered I like nectarines and I can tolerate pears, but I really need a firm one because once they start to ripen they get this gross mealy texture going on and ugh it makes them hard to eat. That is about as adventurous as I have gotten so far with my fruit exploration. The next fruit I was told to try, by someone who has the same aversion to weird textures, is halos, never had luck with citrus fruits, but neither has she and she actually likes halos. We shall see.

I still need to light distress my wonderful new table, stain the top, and the seal the whole thing, so don’t expect to see my post on that until maybe Wednesday. I may even borrow my sisters fancy camera and take so good photos of it set up in the house, but don’t cross your fingers.

Caloric intake: 2,107
Calories burned: nada

Until tomorrow, stay wonderfully wild!